72nd Manchester Chicken Broil
We look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday, July 19, 2025! Please join us for on site dining and enjoy the entertainment or use the drive-thru pickup service. The proceeds this year will be going to update the facilities at Alumni Field.
Join the Celebration!
Celebrate our 72nd Manchester Chicken Broil on Saturday, July 19, 2025! Featuring on-site dining, drive-thru meal pickup or on-site walkup meal purchase. Enjoy the live music, kids play area and the tractor display.
Proceeds from this event will benefit a variety of causes in the Manchester area, including the public schools, community parks, library and local civic organizations. For a complete list download here: DONATION LIST.

Best Chicken Dinner!
We pride ourselves on providing a delicious chicken dinner complete with ½ chicken, roll with butter, fresh made cole slaw with secret local recipe, radishes, chips and beverage. Additional soft drinks, water and locally made gelato are available as extras. Entertainment and lots of camaraderie are provided for your enjoyment! All for a ticket price of $15.00 at the gate ($13.00 advance purchase at various merchants and offices – see detailed list)!
Where to Buy Tickets
Tickets are $13.00 if purchased in advance at these various merchants and offices, and $15.00 if purchased at the gate the day of the Chicken Broil. Online tickets are $15.00.
Bridgewater – Bridgewater Country Market
Chelsea – Chelsea State Bank-North, Chelsea State Bank-South, Gary’s Barber Shop
Manchester Area – American 1 Credit Union, Chuck's Auto Repair, Fredonia Grocery, Hidden Lakes RV Resort, Hungry Wolf Restaurant, Linda’s Diner, Manchester Market, Manchester Ace Hardware, River Raisin Distillery, United Producers, Wacker’s BP

Manchester Downtown – Frank’s Place Restaurant, Gistinger & Gistinger Law Office, Keith’s Barber Shop, Manchester City Offices, Marti’s Salon, Old National Bank, Over the Edge Sports Bar, River Raisin Antiques and Mercantile, Steelegrafix, Sutton Agency, Village Tap, Worth Repeating
Napoleon – Napoleon Lawn & Leisure
Fun Trivia
- 15,000 lbs chicken
- 9,600 lbs charcoal
- 256 lbs butter plus 10,000 butter pats
- 48 22-oz containers of salt
- 1,100 lbs radishes
- 10,000 dinner rolls
- 40 gallons of vegetable oil
- 84 crates of cabbage
- 10,000 1-oz. potato chip bags
- 500 aprons and gloves

It Takes A Village
The Manchester Chicken Broil is organized and run entirely by volunteers from the Manchester community area, traditionally primarily men, some of whom have served for over 60 years continuously! The various committees and volunteers consist of such specialties as: Firemen, Chicken on Grids, Chicken to Pits, Charcoal Pits, Chicken Testers, Chicken to Serving Table, Cole Slaw and Take Out. Approximately 250 men work on these committees. The processes are efficient and carefully timed to ensure a smooth flow of 8.000 dinners in four hours (about one meal every second!).
Our sincere thanks to the Chicken Broil box Sponsors!
- American 1 Credit Union
- Bollinger Sanitation
- Boullion Sales of Manchester and Dexter
- Donnellon State Farm Insurance
- Dragonfly and Birch
- Edward Jones - Dan Baldwin
- Eineder Funeral Homes
- Frank's Place
- Garden Mill
- Jason Aldrich Realtor
- Manchester Eye Care
- McLennan Landscape
- Napoleon Lawn & Leisure
- Over the Edge Sports Bar
- R.D. Kleinschmidt Inc.
- River Raisin Distillery
- Secret Crisis Comics
- Washtenaw County Democratic Party
Our sincere thanks to all of the Chicken Broil Sponsors!
- American 1 Credit Union
- Alber Orchard and Cider Mill
- Eineder Funeral Home
- Lester Brothers
- Comerica Bank
- Destination Ann Arbor
- Polly's Country Market
- Hidden Lakes RV Resort
- ER Lawn Service
- Manchester Market and Perky Pantry
- Manchester Veterinary Clinic
- RD Kleinschmidt Inc.
- Worth Repeating
- Center for Equity Education
- Hungry Wolf Food & Spirits
- Sutton Insurance Agency
- Burman's Tree Service
- Donnellon Insurance
- Chelsea Lumber Company
- Lajolla Fine Jewelry
- Brooklyn Plumbing Heating and Air Conditioning
- Martinrea International
Parking - Shuttle - Directions
The Manchester Chicken Broil is held at the Alumni Memorial Field, 600 E Duncan Street, in the Village of Manchester. Signs will be abundant, and, on the day of the event, there will be no mistaking where to go to find the Chicken Broil!
There will be plenty of free parking and courtesy shuttle buses to bring you to the Alumni Memorial Field entrance. Shuttle buses will operate from the Riverside Intermediate School property at 710 E. Main Street.
A drive-through carryout line was added in 2014! Enter from Hibbard Street onto Duncan Street, then travel west to Wolverine Street for pickups. Click here for directions.

Handicapped parking for the Chicken Broil is available in the paved parking lot behind the Ackerson School Administration Building at the corner of Vernon and Wolverine Streets (across the street from the main entrance to Alumni Memorial Field). While those streets are blocked off, the Sheriff’s Deputies on duty will allow access.